Total Calls | 280 | Traffic Stops | 148 |
Citations | 43 | Failure to Control | 2 |
Traffic Control | 5 | Speed | 7 |
Vehicle Crash | 2 | Suspension | 13 |
OVI | 4 | License Plate | 2 |
Marked Lanes | 3 | Distracted Driving | 1 |
Drving w/o License | 1 | Fictitious Tags | 1 |
Reckless Driving | 1 | | |
Total Reports Taken | 31 | Misdemeanors | 27 |
Felonies | 2 | Mental Health | 2 |
Arrests | 6 | OVI | 4 |
Neighbor Dispute | 1 | Vehicles Towed | 10 |
Domestic Violence | 2 | Death | 2 |
Drug Complaint | 2 | Welfare Check | 1 |
Car Crashes | 4 | Theft | 1 |
Burglary | 1 | | |
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